About the Book

Well I'll be a Blue Nosed Gopher… Practicing Happiness Now!

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Available in paperback with over 300 illustrations in black and white.

Available electronically for your devices with over 300 illustrations in color.

I loved my career in academia (well, except for committee meetings) but after a while, I began to wonder why, with such brilliant minds around me, wasn’t there more HAPPINESS???!!! When I became a department chair and later a director of visual and performing arts, I realized first-hand that faculty, administrators, and students often endured a near-suicidal stress! As I researched more, I realized the problem extends far beyond the ivy walls into all walks of life. It’s easy to be in a good mood sometimes, but keeping your well-being in times of adversity and stress is a universal challenge. 

In education I see an urgent need for more emphasis on well-being, compassion, and wisdom rather than accumulating information. It’s time to take the study of happiness seriously. It makes little difference how much a teacher teaches or a student learns if no attention is paid regarding its relevance to our well-being, which is intricately related to our purpose here on Earth. Whether we’re on the job, vacationing, going to the grocery store, the fact is - happiness matters in a big way! So here comes my first book into that simple yet complex subject of happiness! 

What the heck is a blue-nosed gopher, and what does that have to do with happiness?  Read my blogs to find out!

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I am a full-time caregiver for my wife Toni, who suffered a traumatic brain injury and the loss of use of one arm. Thankfully, she can walk with a walker! She was struck by a car going 40+ mph as a pedestrian, and is truly a living miracle. Toni is a beautiful being; happy all the time. She does not recall most of her life or what she was able to do before her accident, but she doesn't worry about what she can no longer do. She is a great example of how to live in the present moment, and reminds me of the value of living life according to what really matters.

I empathize with all the other caregivers out there taking good care of their loved ones - whether aging relatives or kids. To those who dress loved ones, wipe their bottoms, cook, clean, administer any medical care needed, occupy them with meaningful activities, and give them unconditional love - I send each of you HUGE KUDOS!!!!!! God bless each and every one of you!

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Sarah Bausinger, Illustrator

Sarah Bausinger graduated from the University of Texas at Tyler with a bachelor's degree in music education. She is an outstanding bassoonist and is well-versed in all the woodwind instruments. She is currently a band director who teaches grades six through twelve.  

At UT Tyler, her artistic abilities became well-known, and after seeing samples of her work, Dr. Webb knew he had found the perfect illustrator for his book. In addition to her skills in designing creative T-shirt logos, programs, and advertisements for her band, she has contributed over 300 innovative cartoons made specifically for Well I’ll be a Blue-Nosed Gopher…Practicing Happiness Now! Contact her at sbausjam@gmail.com.